mercredi 23 février 2022

[Split From] [Continuation] The Biden Presidency Part II

*sighs* Florida Republican's "Don't Say Gay" bill just got even worse. Now, it's been amended to include mandatory disclosure of all information to the parents, even if the information is expected to cause harm to the student.


House Bill 1557, as it's written, bars school personnel from discouraging or prohibiting the notification of parents or parental involvement in critical decisions affecting a student's mental, emotional or physical health or well-being. Such information, however, could be withheld from a student's parents "if a reasonably prudent person would believe that disclosure would result in abuse, abandonment, or neglect."

But the amendment filed last week by one of the bill's sponsors, Republican State Rep. Joe Harding, places a six-week time limit until when information learned by school officials from a student would need to be disclosed to a parent.

It mandates that school personnel "shall develop a disclose such information within 6 weeks after the decision to withhold such information from the parent.
That just sounds outright evil. Meh, the whole friggin' bill sounds evil, but that just sinks it even further as it breaks even the fig leaf "protection" offered.

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