mardi 24 mai 2022

Leading MI GOP Governor candidates may be disqualified for fake signatures


5 out of 10 Michigan GOP governor candidates, including 2 front-runners, are potentially going to be excluded from the race after it's revealed that ballot petition signatures they submitted were fraudulent


A signature forgery scandal has turned the race for the GOP nomination to be Michigan’s next governor on its head: Two leading Republican candidates did not collect enough signatures to qualify for the primary ballot after invalid signatures were excluded, according to a report from the state’s Bureau of Elections.

The Bureau of Elections reports will now go to the Board of State Canvassers, which will vote Thursday on which candidates qualify to appear on the ballot for the state’s Aug. 2 primaries.

Thirty-six petition circulators — campaign workers hired to collect signatures — “submitted fraudulent petition sheets consisting entirely of invalid signatures,” according to the Bureau. In all, according to the Bureau’s report Monday, these circulators submitted at least 68,000 invalid signatures across nominating petitions for 10 candidates.

Both leading Republican candidates submitted well above the 15,000 signatures necessary, but were subsequently hit with complaints that that counts contained fraudulent signatures.

It's safe to assume that, for at least these 2 frontrunning candidates, getting 15,000 real signatures would not have been too difficult. But I guess if you're a canvasser for a party that is openly contemptuous of US voting systems and baselessly believe that electoral fraud is rampant and easy to commit, the temptation to lazily pencil-whip these signatures is quite strong.

Another example where the much believed GOP meme about the ease of corrupting elections comes back to bite them in the ass.

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