dimanche 22 mai 2022

Pareidolia to Paranoia - Aliens on the Moon

This just popped up in my YouTube feed:

Aliens On The Moon: The Truth Exposed | Conspiracy Theory | Absolute Documentaries

Some of the finest examples of PareidoliaWP I've ever had to squint at.

Apparently, swattered across the lunar surface are smokestacks, pyramids. alien bases, forts, large cannon, crashed flying saucers, radio dishes, giant wheels, machine-like objects and a "human-like skull". Oh, and shiny things and blobs.

The key words are "appears to be" and "doesn't look natural". And, if better, more resolved images are taken later, it's because there is a group at NASA is charged with air brushing things out.

And why don't we know this? Because It's a vast Government conspiracy covering up a potential alien threat.


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