dimanche 30 octobre 2022

An Open Letter to All Cranks

Dr Steven Novella, practicing neurologist and host of The Skeptics Guide to the Universe, has written a letter. Make sure you click the link because the excerpt that the forum rules permit me to post does not do it justice:

An Open-Letter to All Cranks


Dear Crank,

I use that term not as a personal attack, but as an accurate description of your behavior. I want you to understand why that behavior is not serving you well, and what you can do the escape from a cycle of self-destructive, and frankly annoying, behavior. Hey – you e-mailed me, you jumped up in front of me waving your hands in order to get my attention. Well, you got it. And now I am going to do you a massive favor. I am going to give you a tiny slice of the attention you are so clearly desperate for and explain to you why you are a crank...

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