mardi 25 octobre 2022

White people inherit guilt?

Correct me if I am wrong, but one of the tenets of CRT and Wokeism is that white people inherit the moral guilt of the crimes of white people in the past.

Slavery, Jim Crow, Apartheid, Red Lining, we inherit the moral guilt of it all.

We need to recognize it, embrace it, apologize for it, atone for it, and pay reparations for it.

I say this is crap. I do not believe that ANYONE, not white people, Germans, Jews, whomever inherit the guilt of their ancestors possible crimes. I do not believe in Original Sin, which I believe the logic for this idea stems from.

I believe we all are born with a clean & fresh slate, free and clear of any guilt, moral or otherwise. We are all to be judged for our own actions and deeds.

That does NOT say that peoples have not suffered greatly over the centuries and some acts and programs of repair are just and deserved. But that doesn't mean I believe that those who fund such programs are guilty or should be treated as guilty, simply due to their color or nationality or etc. When someone inherits wealth, they also sometime inherit debts. But never moral ones.

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