lundi 31 octobre 2022

Terraform Load Balancer

Any Terraform guru's out there?

I have 2 load balancers created, they are defined identically.

However, while the first one is working perfectly the second one has no instances at all defined when I get to the aws console. I double checked the instance id's and they are correct.

working definition:

elb_wcc = {
certificate_arn = "arn:aws:acm:us-west-2:289036058743:certificate/01379b61-499a-4e40-8656-3729d05456ab"
count = 1
elb_wcc_instances =["i-03bf79bc886cd7616","i-0294d3dd570220c51"]

Non working definition:

elb_wcc2 = {
certificate_arn = "arn:aws:acm:us-west-2:289036058743:certificate/6c1c5c5a-dffe-3d95-bee7-5ea7c47eeb7a"
count = 1
elb-wcc2_instances =["i-066cba60c8f89219c","i-08031fa21bada293f"]

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