I received an email from Jamey Blewitt of JB Military Antiques saying that a Jewish lobbyist had been pressurising him to cease trading in certain memorabilia.
Jamey Blewitt continues, in his defence:
Key points from ABC News:
I am on Jamey Blewitt's subscription lists because I have bought Finnish Winter and Continuation War memorabilia from him in the past, albeit just two rare items. I was unable to find them anywhere else, with one medal advertised as 'original' on Ebay, turning out to be an obviously newly minted fake. I certainly have zero Third Reich sympathies. However, the Finnish swastika, which predates the German one and is actually different, being a square shape and not turned 45° to a diamond shape. It is pale blue, not black on a red background.
So given how difficult it is to find such genuine memorabilia, when many collectors will simply be relatives of the fallen, who is right, the Jewish advocates or Jamey Blewitt (who obviously has a vested interested and makes a healthy profit on his auctions)?
To all our auction customers, I wanted to speak to you directly in regards to some of the blatant misinformation that has been levelled at us and German collectors in general this week by certain members of both the media and vested Jewish lobbyists in relation to our upcoming 20th November auction. Most notably the Jewish lobbyist Dvir Abramovich has levelled some pretty nasty accusations against us, which are not only untrue, but propagandist to the point of absurdity, which is why I thought it best to refute here, as he will neither return our emails, phone calls or even engage in any form of mutual communication. For those of you have never come across this person, Abramovich is a Melbourne, Australia based lobbyist who seeks private donations and funding for his 'Anti Defamation Commission', most notably, until recently, when you accessed his webpage, a pop up box would immediately ask you for a donation, so I probably don't need to describe him any further to you. However, he has a major issue with our company and anyone else in Australia/worldwide dealing or collecting German memorabilia from the Third Reich period. Abramovich has but one tactic in his playbook, that is to scream the loudest at anyone such as ourselves, using the national media outlets and webpages, decrying our supposed hatred of the Jewish people and stating that we and others are profiting upon the blood of the millions of jews who were killed during the Holocaust. Here is just a snippet of the latest verbal attack he has launched via the The Jerusalem Post: “These cursed, blood-stained items, that could have been used to kill Jews and others, may end up in the hands of Final Solutionists who will proudly display them in their homes and use them to recruit new members to their twisted cause.” Dvir Abramovich, Chairman of the Anti-Defamation Commission "We should spare a thought for the anguish Holocaust survivors must be feeling right now. And if the owners of this business [JB Military Antiques] took the time to think about the 1.5 million children murdered by the Third Reich and the mothers clutching babies as they were pushed into the gas chambers, perhaps they would reflect about trafficking in these instruments of death and stop playing right into the hands of hardcore bigots who have an appetite for these monstrous symbols,” Abramovich warned. “The Holocaust is over, but the dangerous ideology that fueled the extermination of millions endures in today’s Australia," he said. "This auction desecrates the memory of the victims and tears to shreds the Australian values of democracy, and these tools of the devil should not be sold to the highest bidder," he said. "This grisly trade has to stop, and we urge all state governments, as well as the Federal government, to immediately stamp out this ghoulish practice by criminalizing the sale of this memorabilia and banning its import.” The Jerusalem Post 8/11/2022 |
Jamey Blewitt continues, in his defence:
Now, I have never met Abramovich in person, but I have tried in the past to get in touch with him and let him know that I have no problems with Jewish or Israeli people, that I do have a great deal of sympathy for those killed during the Holocaust, from all nationalities, the survivors and families of those involved. I am not a bigot or neo Nazi, don't hate minorities or people who don't collect German memorabilia. In fact, I respect other people's opinions, respect the differences in people and their cultures and think that anyone should legally be able to collect or deal in legitimate militaria or memorabilia, so long as all state, territory and federal laws are followed. I do not think that collectors of German militaria are doing so to fuel antisemitic causes, nor do I think collectors are deranged or seeking to raise the Fourth Reich. I've given several interviews this week, as well as in the past in relation to the 'type' of collector we deal with (ABC News article) and that as the majority of our customers of Third Reich militaria are average, middle income earning males, aged 30 to 70, none of whom are neo Nazi’s, I would challenge Abramovich and any other parties concerned to let me know of this so called list of such people, so I can have a copy. |
Key points from ABC News:
The business says its customers are simply military history enthusiasts A Jewish leader says swastikas are often used to incite hatred and violence against his people The public display of the swastika is banned in NSW and Victoria |
I am on Jamey Blewitt's subscription lists because I have bought Finnish Winter and Continuation War memorabilia from him in the past, albeit just two rare items. I was unable to find them anywhere else, with one medal advertised as 'original' on Ebay, turning out to be an obviously newly minted fake. I certainly have zero Third Reich sympathies. However, the Finnish swastika, which predates the German one and is actually different, being a square shape and not turned 45° to a diamond shape. It is pale blue, not black on a red background.
So given how difficult it is to find such genuine memorabilia, when many collectors will simply be relatives of the fallen, who is right, the Jewish advocates or Jamey Blewitt (who obviously has a vested interested and makes a healthy profit on his auctions)?
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