mercredi 30 novembre 2022

SCOTUS to decide if Legislatures own election rules

Imagine an America where state legislatures could require everyone vote only by touching their nose. Or Muslims could not vote. Or only one drop box in high-poverty areas.

Violates the state constitution? "Sorry, not our problem."

That's what the SCOTUS will be deciding on soon. Whether the state legislatures have the constitutional power to write ANY election laws they like, and these laws are totally and utterly immune from any judicial review, including from the Supreme Court.

Am I being hysterically hyperbolic? Nope. Some of these states want to do some really ****** stuff and if we give them that power they will wield it.

Luckily the Constitution says that Congress can write the rules regarding Congressional elections. Kind of hard to see how the Supreme Legislature Theory can get around that. They'd have to have a separate election day for Congressional and Presidential elections. Or make everyone leave the voting area and come back in so as to comply with the different rules.

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