lundi 14 novembre 2022

Missouri Book Ban Law Proposal

Comment period opens on Missouri Secretary of State’s book ban proposal


JEFFERSON CITY — Beginning Tuesday, Missouri libraries and members of the public can formally weigh in on an attempt by Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft to block public funding for libraries if they offer books that might appeal to the sexual interests of minors.

The proposed rule would require Missouri’s 160 local public libraries to adopt policies on the age-appropriateness of literature. And under the rule, anyone could challenge access to books.

The Missouri Library Association called the rule rule “an infringement on the professional judgment of librarians, and an effort to further stoke division in the communities that libraries serve.”

“This set of new rules for the most part represents an obtuse political effort to catch librarians in the act of being librarians, and to recast that spotlight in a malicious and libelous hue,” the association said in a statement.

Comments may be submitted to the Secretary of State’s office via email at or by traditional mail to Office of the Missouri Secretary of State, P.O. Box 1767, Jefferson City, MO 65102.
Other than this forum, my social media presence is largely read-only. However, if anyone on here feels the need to let Mr. Ashcroft know what they think of his fascist authoritarian BS, I'd be much obliged.

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