jeudi 23 novembre 2023

The Ultimate Cosmological Question

For some unknown reason, I've been torturing myself by watching a bunch of Youtube videos showing debates between prominent theists and atheists, and I've noticed a very common retort by the theists is to claim that atheists are wrong to call for theists to demonstrate how a creator was created, because of course to them their god is outside of nature and has existed for an eternity. They claim that atheists somehow miss this important point. :rolleyes:

I have always maintained that there are either two possibilities when it comes to the 'creation' of the universe: Either
1) Matter/Energy (or even more basically, the laws of nature) have existed for eternity or outside the concept of time. OR,
2) An intelligent being has existed for eternity or outside the concept of time.

That seems to sum up the nature of the argument to me nicely, because of course the theists are drawn towards the second conclusion since it comforts them, they've been brought up that way, and they see 'god' as a natural extension of themselves; they think of themselves as intelligent so it naturally feels logical to them that a god created them and their surroundings rather than billions of years of evolution.

In contrast, the atheist sees a bottom-up solution much more reasonable and evidence-based.

My question is whether my phrasing of this 'ultimate cosmological question' is the correct or best way to put it? Have I missed any other possibilities, or am I barking up the wrong tree? Thoughts?

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