mercredi 1 novembre 2023

White Hydrogen Depoits Found


They Went Hunting For Fossil Fuels by Laura Paddison

A couple of hundred meters down, the probe found low concentrations
of hydrogen. “This was not a real surprise for us,” Pironon told CNN; it’s
common to find small amounts near the surface of a borehole. But as the
probe went deeper, the concentration ticked up. At 1,100 meters down it
was 14%, at 1,250 meters it was 20%. This was surprising, Pironon said.
It indicated the presence of a large reservoir of hydrogen beneath. They
ran calculations and estimated the deposit could contain between 6 million
and 250 million metric tons of hydrogen.

That could make it one of the largest deposits of “white hydrogen” ever
discovered, Pironon said. The find has helped fuel an already feverish interest
in the gas. White hydrogen – also referred to as “natural,” “gold” or “geologic”
hydrogen – is naturally produced or present in the Earth’s crust and has
become something of a climate holy grail.


Ellis estimates globally there could be tens of billions of tons of white
hydrogen. This would be vastly more than the 100 million tons a year
of hydrogen that is currently produced and the 500 million tons predicted
to be produced annually by 2050, he said. “Most of this is almost certainly
going to be in very small accumulations or very far offshore, or just too
deep to actually be economic to produce,” he said. But if just 1% can
be found and produced, it would provide 500 million tons of hydrogen
for 200 years, he added.

Two grams of hydrogen releases 291.83 kilojoules per mole, about
0.08 kilowatt hours. So, if we replace half the energy used by mankind,
let's say coal and natural gas, then we need 80,000 terawatt hours.
You need two billion tons per year. Well, maybe a small contribution then.

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