vendredi 25 avril 2014

Face the facts, when you die you are dead forever

You say:

When you are dead, you are dead, and you are dead for an eternity. There is no more existence for you. That is it. Lights out you are gone, and nice to know ya.

I say:

The universe is basically the same as when it was a singularity (defined as the condition of being singular). It is one thing. It has expanded greatly into an infinite number of temporary and constantly changing divisions of itself, yet is still the same as ever, one single thing. No matter how much space is consumed in its expansion and no matter how seemingly huge it gets,,,it is still the one thing it was before. Still as connected as it was then. Much of what we call Quantum Weirdness is proof of this connection.

You and I are part of this one thing. What we call consciousness is this one thing, this one energy. Our bodies are temporary forms, but the energy we are made of and what flows through our minds in the form of awareness is not temporary. It is the one energy, and since the one energy is all that really exists, it can be nothing else.

You, John Smith are a temporary form the universe has taken called life. You were born and you will die. But the energy that makes up your body is not temporary. The energy that flows through your mind not either.

John Smith will die and never return, but the energy that flowed through John Smith’s mind will never die, it will just flow through another mind. It can only do this one at a time, so the death of John Smith means the birth of Jane Jones, and the death of Jane Jones means the birth of another life etc… etc… etc… One awareness at a time, each birth completely and utterly new and each death the very last.

You have never been John Smith, it has all been a perfect illusion, all you have ever been or will ever be is the only thing you can be,,,,the one energy. The only time you will ever know this for sure is on your death bed, when you must at last give up everything to the unknown, everything including your false ego must be completely and utterly surrendered.

You say:

That is a load of nonsense, show me your proof. When I see someone dead, I see them rot and smell and eventually disappear into the dirt, therefore I know for sure that when you die you are dead forever. When people are born, they come from their mommies tummies. Babies are brand new, they have never seen the light of day before.

I am an individual who will happen just once. I am not at all important, and my existence in this universe basically means very little or nothing. When I am gone, I am gone forever, I will be forgotten and my role here was basically meaningless.

I believe in what I see. There aint no God and their aint no afterlife of any kind. We are not part of the universe. I am separated from it utterly and completely.

I know that when I die I am dead and gone forever. I don’t mind this reality because I am tough, I am cold and I face the facts.

I say:

That little child with cancer, that child who has only lived 3 years and most of it in the most horrifying fear and pain, will live another life. The next time round will be her turn for joy. In fact that child has already experienced an infinite number of lives, some good, some bad, and many average and she is sentenced to continue this.

You say:

That little child with cancer was born once and will die painfully once and her dreadful experience is all that she will ever know. It is sad to see her suffer, but that is life. It can be cruel and heartless, and oh so completely meaningless, but that is just the way it is.

I say:

You are the universe and if this is true then the universe is full of love and kindness and in your case full of apathy and selfishness as well. You are the universe and if this is true then you statement that the universe is meaningless is also meaningless.

As we discover more about the real universe, as we learn more about the quantum world, we see how strange things really are. And one of the strangest things is how important we are. How important our observations are. For we are not poor little temporary John Doe or Jane Jones, we are actually the universe itself fulfilling an important law,,,existence.

We see that this temporary body is just one chapter in an endless story called existence.

I say:

You are tough, you are cold, you face the hard facts.

And this is really nothing more than a rather thinly veiled attempt at self flattery.

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