dimanche 24 août 2014

Sexual Assaults... The "One in Five" Statistic

I've commented before that I thought that the commonly-cited "one in five" figure for women being the victim of sexual assault while at school were inflated.

That the numbers that, for example, our university were seeing did not even come close to bearing this out.

I speculated that only by using somewhat-twisted feminist ideals that "any sex act about which you had regrets is a rape" could such numbers be justified.

However, just this last week, I listened to a Morning Edition segment that shed rather a different light on the subject.

The researcher had opportunity to extensively interview 7 young men who had been involved in "date rapes". These young men were not reticent about discussing the incidents because they did not consider them to be rapes.

These were, mind you, serial offenders. Between them, they had accounted for at least 150 rapes while at school. None of these had ever been reported; the young men had clean records.

They all described using essentially the same methods. Get 'em drunk and do 'em.

They would lavish attention on the targeted young woman, invite them to "special" fraternity parties, fawn over them at the party, get them drinking the "special punch" they had concocted (usually about 50% alcohol) and wait till they were past the point of consent and off to the bedroom.

These are all classic "date rapes"... No force, no threats, no violence.... Just drunk to the point of non-consent and constant physical pressure.

None of the young men expressed any regrets. In their minds, this was consensual sex. "She could have said no."

So.... If this is in any way accurate, it's not that in-school sexual assaults rapes are under-reported..... They may not be reported at all or only rarely.

In my own experience, over 30 years at the same institution, I've only been involved in one.... The young woman indeed charged the young man; he was duly arrested, the crime scene processed, evidence seized...

All to no avail. He freely admitted having sex with the woman..... He said, "we got drunk and made love." She said, "He got me drunk and had his way with me."

No witnesses.

The case was presented to the prosecutor who refused to issue a warrant.

I suppose such tales get around.....

Makes you wonder, as have many, what kind of culture our young men are being raised in?

Who knows, maybe it isn't a matter of values or education.... Maybe there is a percentage of the population that are prone to rape-behavior.... Much as they are to other less-harmful sexual proclivities.

I often wonder just what percentage of the male population are pedophiles? I suspect it's larger than the general populace thinks.

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