jeudi 26 février 2015

Antivaxers threaten to leave Facebook in droves


On February 19, the CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, posted a short book review on his personal Facebook page.

The book is “On Immunity” by Eula Bliss. Zuckerberg, clearly in favour of vaccination, highly recommended reading the book to his fans and friends, encouraging people to read it and to “join the discussion”.

However, many social media users saw right through this seemingly innocent post, and have decided that this is a message from Zuckerberg in that he wishes to swiftly remove vaccine refusers from social networking site Facebook. Multitudes of operating anti vaccine pages across Facebook have lit up, with many people openly commenting on how they will leave the site if pages, or even accounts are removed, calling the small review of a book censorship.

Staphanie Skype, from Australia is so worried about Facebook clamping down, she is inviting people to follow her Facebook page and email her.

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