dimanche 22 novembre 2015

Jesus Had Two Dads and He Turned Out Just Fine



Members of the St. Columbia-Brigid Roman Catholic Church in Buffalo, NY suffered a serious crisis of faith after their pastor posted a “shocking” message on the church’s sign last week.

“Jesus had two dads,” it read, “and he turned out just fine.”


The Diocese of Buffalo then released a statement clearing the air: “The pastor of SS. Columba-Brigid Parish told me that the ‘2 Dads’ were meant to refer to a child who has both a father and stepfather,” it read. “There are several children in his parish who have both a father and stepfather. However, given the potential for the meaning of this message to be misunderstood and even perceived in a heretical way, it was immediately removed.”

Peace in Buffalo has been restored.
As a first-rate critic of the Catholic Church, this tickles me pink!

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