jeudi 31 décembre 2015

Feds suspends civil forfeiture sharing with local agencies

The PTB glommed more than $1.2 billion from the federal Assets Forfeiture Fund (AFF) and are telling the local agencies that seized the money and/or property in the first place that future payments to the agencies under the revenue sharing arrangement that the local agencies entered into with the feds are being "deferred" and the program itself is suspended.

Unfortunately I don't believe that civil forfeitures are going to disappear because of this, but if local agencies don't have the luxury of getting the feds involved (w/ a looser interpretation of acceptable methods of seizing cash or property) they'll be forced to comply with various state laws controlling asset forfeiture and that may cut down a little on the asset seizure madness that goes on in some jurisdictions.

In my agency, forfeitures only occurred after actual convictions, and were carried out in accordance with state law - the feds only stepped in when they had some sort of interest in the person(s) or criminal act involved, and it usually involved a particular CCE and narcotics sales.

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