vendredi 22 avril 2016

Is love a thing?

Inspired by another thread; I didn't see this addressed anywhere else specifically. Forgive me if I missed it.

What is love? What exactly causes our minds/hormones/bodies to overreact when a certain person is around? I'm referring specifically to romantic love, because as Dawkins pointed out so clearly in The Selfish Gene, the love of people to whom we are related is likely a result of our genetic material.

Love can be painful. People die for it. We live for another person, and you often see elderly couples who die in quick succession because they can't live without each other. And I'll be honest, until about a year ago I didn't believe it was real, myself.

Everyone from theologists to scientists to Cap Kirk have tried to define it, to understand it, to even control it, but haven't. Can we, skeptical community, do better?

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