vendredi 24 juin 2016

Senility or Quantum Madness?


I don't generally wear a wrist watch, but occasionally I'll carry one on a hike as a navigational aid. I was using it a couple weeks back while hiking in a trail-less wilderness area, and on my way out I stuck it in my pocket. When I got home, as a matter of routine I emptied my pockets on a clear countertop. I always put my wallet, keys etc on this same spot so I always know where they are and can readily grab them when leaving for work or whatever.

The next morning I went to grab my keys/wallet, but I noticed the watch wasn't there. There were a couple pieces of paper on the counter, so of course I turned them over to make sure the watch wasn't hiding under something--but there was nothing there. I thought maybe I left it in my pocket--checked my pocket--nope! Well, maybe It fell or I dropped it...checked the floor all around--No. Checked the floor of my car. Nadda. Finally gave up--figured I must have dropped it while hiking back to my car, so it was now lost in the wilderness. No big deal, was not an expensive watch.

As I said, I always leave my wallet/keys in the same spot, so over the past couple weeks, grabbed them and put them down in the same spot on the clear counter top. Nothing unusual. Yesterday, I leave for work, and as I go to grab my keys--I see the watch sitting on the counter, right beside the keys and wallet. Nothing else around it. Very strange...

So, either I'm losing my mind in middle age, or there is some sort of quantum teleportation weirdness going on. As a skeptic, I have to opt for the former explanation :( The only thing I can figure is that the watch was there the whole time, and I could see it, but the visual info never made it to my brain, or perhaps I mistook the watch for some other common object, like maybe a pen that I had put on the countertop...I dunno. How worried should I be? Can anyone think of an alternate explanation? Oh--and I am positive that no one else had access to the room, so no one could have been pulling a prank on me. :confused::confused:

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