samedi 24 décembre 2016



Okay - i really wasn't going to go there. I was going to let it pass.
I really was.
Biggest reason being - I am not a fan. So it therefore would be problematic or wrong for me to criticize and question the claims. Some people will understand this - some won't.
But that was the main reason I wasn't going to go there.

But then he made a new video low key accusing all doubters of being ignorant or of not thinking straight.


SO that was it - I was left with no option - I went there.

I had to.

(explanation in the video)

The parts of his videos where he is flying - they are possibly fake.

You heard it hear first.

Unlike the other possible 'hoaxes' this one will resolve itself fairly quickly.
Being that its on everyones radar and that he is center stage - i give it less than a month til this one is busted or 100% proven real beyond doubt

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