dimanche 27 août 2017

The Proud Boys As Conspiracy Theory Group

I first heard about the Proud Boys from a friend in Canada who told me about what is apparently a well-known protest by some of their members.

I Googled the group and one hit took me to this page written on their official website by the vice-president of the LA Chapter of the Proud Boys, Adam Reis.

It is a page from the Proud Boys official webpage that describes something like a gang rape involving Muslims. There are no names mentioned, and it was hard to verify anything. So I contacted the man himself, Adam Reis, who wrote the article. I was able to find him on Facebook. Through Facebook posts and comments, I asked him for more information. The source of the information for the post comes, it seems, completely from the author, Adam Reis. Adam stated that he knows the family of the victim and they are his source. He stated that there have been arrests in the case, "three in custody and two still sought,” and when I asked about the position of the victim’s family on this, he stated, "You asked if crime victims wanted it aired. I responded that they did," stating this again later in the thread, ““ You asked if crime victims wanted it aired. I responded that they did. It is gang related -- a Muslim rape gang. That is why it is news.”

Despite his claim that the victim and her family wanted this known and that there had been arrests, Adam was unable to provide any more information about the incident. One reader who called himself [name deleted to preserve his identity] stated, “Adam I passed on this info to my wife who helps run a local news station. They are contacting Bell [City Police Department] now & looking into it. If accurate it's huge news that needs to be heard.” But this went nowhere. So while Adam claims he knows of a horrendous crime in which numerous arrests were made, no one, not even news agencies, have been able to find even the slightest mention of it anywhere. What do you make of it all? I think Adam made this up. It never happened. But that’s just what I think.

The Proud Boys have all sorts of chapters all over the place and a lot of these chapter have lists of their members on Facebook. A lot of these members have a lot of information about themselves on their Facebook profiles. In addition, you can find out who their members are by looking through chats they have had on Facebook. All of this is publically available. And to be honest, if I was running a group like the Proud Boys, I’d want what I stand for to be available to anyone. But what is it that you find when you look at what the Proud Boys stand for? I read through a lot of the Facebook profiles of members to find out.

One of the strangest things you find is a lot of conspiracy theory. Now, those of you who know me know that I have spent a lot of time with members of conspiracy theory groups. I was as surprised as anyone else to find this link. Of course you find the usual mix of Christian, gun groupie, Tea Party, Oath Keeper stuff. But lots of members of the Proud Boys, and their supporters, including Adam Reis the LA Chapter VP, have used their Facebook profile to ‘like’ Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson (one of Alex Jones’ producers), Infowars and/or Prison Planet. One of the members of a prominent chapter of the Proud Boys is busy investigating Gang Stalking.

I have actually had Proud Boys supporters tell me that Pizzagate is real. Proud Boys circulate stories on their official websites about dead voters who voted for Hillary and how there are millions upon millions of fraudulent votes in the USA. They circulate stories about how Muslims are cannibals. That there needs to be special investigations into Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. In group photos, they flash what appear to be white power hand signs, although I’m sure they’ll tell you it has some other meaning. I’m pretty sure that if I looked hard enough, I’d be able to find Obama Birther conspiracy support.

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