lundi 25 septembre 2017

Welfare, America's Biggest Business? Economists???

I've been pondering for a while why both parties fail to control illegal immigration, and import refugees from countries suffering unrest. How is merely more people better for America, and Americans?

And it is not that we have good jobs for them, once they acclimate to our society. We are so efficient, we don't need the labor force we have already.

It occurred to me that even dirt poor dirt farmers on welfare are contributing to economic growth. Even if they have no jobs, and not otherwise productive, they spend welfare dollars. Welfare in it's various forms is a growth sector of the economy.

But what will be the long terms effects on our society? Can an economy survive long term with a major part being the money handed out ? Have the bankrupt PIGG countries of Europe proved there is a limit, or can it go on indefinitely? How long before we become Morlocks and Eloi? And which segment of society will become which?

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