mercredi 29 novembre 2017

Nazi sympathizer profiled by NY Times says he lost his job and — soon — his home

This is really sad story. Someone should start a GoFundme page for him or something. ;) (Hell, it's probably already happened)

Nazi sympathizer profiled by the New York Times says he lost his job and — soon — his home


Tony Hovater, the white nationalist and Nazi sympathizer featured in a controversial New York Times article this weekend, said he lost his job and would soon lose his home following a swift backlash over the article.

Hovater, a 29-year-old Ohio resident, told The Washington Post on Wednesday that he has been fired from his job and that he and his wife, Maria, are in the process of moving out of their home in New Carlisle, Ohio, for financial and safety reasons. They could no longer afford to pay the rent, he said, and somebody had published their home address online.
So sad.

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