dimanche 25 février 2018

WA legislature decides transparency is not for them.


The Washington Legislature took just two days to introduce and overwhelmingly approve a proposal that will make some of their records public in the future while circumventing a recent court ruling that found they were already fully subject to the state's broad public disclosure laws.

It retroactively removes the legislative branch from the state's voter-approved Public Records Act so that lawmakers are able to attempt to shield records sought by a coalition of media groups, led by The Associated Press, who prevailed in court last month.
That was fast. I never heard of it until I read the news today.


"This bill is a significant and major step forward for the people of Washington and this institution as we step into the sunlight, requiring what I believe are the most important disclosures for the people of Washington to hold their elected representatives accountable," said Democratic Rep. Gerry Pollett.
This guy is the dickhead of the month I think.

The bill; http://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?Bi...6617&Year=2017

It seems they (the legislature) want to protect themselves from other branches of the government.

The Public Records Act is huge; http://apps.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=42.56 I'm really at a loss to understand it all with just a quick look at it.

That said, I find it rather suspicious that the legislature would act so fast to "protect" themselves and not anyone else.

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