mercredi 27 mars 2019

Polygamy (Split from Anti-Muslim Terrorist Attack)

I'm splitting this off from the Anti-Muslim Terrorist Attack thread because I suspect it would be a sizable derail...


Originally Posted by Roboramma (Post 12646646)
It reminds me to some extent of the issue of men having multiple wives. In principle it seems like everyone agreed to the situation, so why should government prevent people from making personal choices? In reality you find for instance fundamentalist Mormon communities, where old men force young girls to marry them, and those girls have no real choice in the matter. How do we prevent that sort of oppression? By outlawing what seems at first inspection to be a simple matter of personal choice, but in reality is more complicated than that.

For me, I'm against any marriages that are forced, Full stop. This includes monogamous ones in other religions, in which young girls can still be forced into marriage with older men, with the girls having no choice in the matter. I'd note that we haven't banned marriage as a total because of this.

At the end of the day in sticking with my beliefs, I'd argue that it should not be polygamy that is outlawed, but rather the forcing of marriage onto someone without a choice, be it to a single spouse or in a case where there are multiple spouses.

I am also all for keeping it illegal where one spouse has multiple marriages without the knowledge and consent of the other partner(s).

However having stated that, I do know a few polyamorous people who are happy in their relationships, and the laws against polygamy are oppressive to them and their life style. This I do believe to be unfair. Why should they be punished because or other's abuse when the same abuse occurs in monogamous marriages, but the punishment doesn't?

So here I have to stand on making forced marriage a crime regardless of the number of spouses involved, and allowing polyamorous marriage for those that can show that they are in a genuine and freely entered into relationship.

I am aware that in the US this could cause some other issues, but I suspect that it would be easy enough to figure out a way to exempt multiple partners from the various laws.

At the end of the day, my general stance on laws and how we should make them is that we need to be wary of stepping on the rights of all the people because of the bad behaviours of a few. It is better to single out the bad behaviour itself, in this case the forcing of a marriage, than to ban everyone from partaking in a behaviour that can be beneficial to other non-bad actors.

We don't ban everyone from watching football just because a few thugs decide to have a brawl in the streets and stands. Rather we ban the Thugs. I would work polygamous marriage the same way. Hit the bad actors with the ban hammer, and leave the good actors alone to get on with their lives.

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