lundi 15 avril 2019

Third Eye Spies

A 2019 documentary attempts to open your mind to the possibility of unexplained physics... and perhaps becoming psychic yourself.

Call it paraphysics, remote viewing, ESP.... Recently declassified documents now let us investigate why the government [and governments around the world] (taxpayers) have spent so much money on psychics over the years.

Director Lance Mungia has a list of clips on his YouTube channel:
..but the film will cost you $9.99 on Amazon. I just watched it.


Banned TEDTalk about Psychic Abilities | Russell Targ:

Russell Targ's ESP Trainer app for iOS devices:

Is the answer quantum nonlocality, entanglement? "Spooky action at a distance" invoked by our brains?

Or has dogma got you, as 1973 Nobel Prize in Physics and ESP/consciousness researcher Brian Josephson PhD suggests?

If you bypass the urge to hold up your hand in denial or to giggle, you can begin researching with the 2017 book by Pulitzer Prize finalist Annie Jacobsen, Phenomena: The Secret History of the U.S. Government's Investigations into Extrasensory Perception and Psychokinesis. Buy it at Powell's. You can learn a few things about this website's founder, too. JREF....

Mr. Randi would urge you to disregard this topic because his nemesis Uri Geller is involved. His feats of psychokinesis aren't expressly validated in the film, but his remote viewing is, as seen in this Stanford Research Institute video from 1972:

Geller's work with Israel's Mossad is openly stated (a fact sidestepped in Phenomena), though the film doesn't go much into his life and work map dowsing for one million pounds a pop for petroleum and mining companies (for a sum of roughly $35.75 million in 2017 dollars according to Jacobsen, p. 332).

Numerous proofs of remote viewing are offered. Will you accept the data and investigate, or turn away until the topic is socially acceptable for open discussion?

How do you guys ignore remote viewers Pat Price, Joe McMoneagle, and Ingo Swann?


'A large body of reliable experimental evidence points to the inescapable conclusion that extrasensory perception does exist as a real phenomenon,' the CIA concluded in 1975.
- Annie Jacobsen, Phenomena, p. 6, quoting the author's FOIA, CIA: "An Overview of Extrasensory Perception," Jan. 27, 1975.


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