jeudi 9 mai 2019

Corporate Monopolies in the US


I was once a stock analyst at Morningstar, where the Warren Buffett-inspired approach begins with analyzing a company’s competitive position, and assigning a “moat” rating to it. A castle with a protective moat around it is Buffett’s metaphor indicating a company that is protected from competition. Superior technology, a name brand, a network effect, or high customer switching costs can all underpin moats.

But there are other sources of advantages in an economy where competition is supposed to keep them to a minimum. Companies can achieve special arrangements with government or influence legislation, entrenching their positions. The government can decline to enforce antitrust legislation, allowing mergers to occur until a few players dominate an industry. These sources of moats, especially the failure of antitrust enforcement, are the nefarious hallmark of today’s economy, according to Jonathan Tepper and Denise Hearn in “The Myth of Capitalism: Monopolies and the Death of Competition.” (John Wiley & Sons).

I have read argumetns about the US no longer being a proper market economy here before but not seen a thread about it.

So... Problem? No problem? Solutions? Despair?

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