dimanche 16 juin 2019

Not overkill - Cops helping bloke kill him after he shoots at them

And killed a fireman

Sorry if there is already a thread, but couldn't see one.

Who would want to be a cop in the US? I guess stuff like this, while not justified fully, is why they can be a bit "jumpy"

Glad they were cleared

Video is pretty full on

Long story short. Bloke arrives not conscious on a bus with an OD. First responders revive him. Cops arrive to help. Notice bulge in his pants when he is acting weird. He says its a phone. Pulls out semi-auto and kills a first responder and keeps trying to shoot cops. Cop gets shot but shoots back. Bloke uses chick as human shield. Cop shoots bloke, but hits chick. Bloke dies, chick should be ok.


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