dimanche 17 novembre 2019

Israel Folau is at it again

In his most recent sermon given at The Truth of Jesus Christ Church in Kenthurst, north west of Sydney, Israel linked the devastating bush fires in NSW and Queensland to same-sex marriage and abortion legislation. Quoting from Isiah 24, he doubled down on the “hell awaits gay people" theme.


“Look how rapid these bushfires, these droughts, all these things have come in a short period of time, do you think it’s a coincidence? God is speaking to you guys — Australia, you need to repent and take these laws and turn it back into what is right by God.”

He said “God is speaking to us”, urging the congregation to repent and turn away from their sins, comparing the current world to Sodom and Gomorrah — Old Testament cities which were destroyed by God for the sin of its inhabitants.

Needless to say, the current crop of Lib/NP politicans (including Scott Morrison) are in a stampede to distance themselves from these views.

No doubt we will see the usual "Folau should not be allowed to say this" but it shows that Folau is not just some rugby star who fell out of favour with Rugby Australia.

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