lundi 6 avril 2020

Trump and Covid-19: His Mistakes

There has been a lot of postings about Trump and the Covid-19 response, but its been spread across multiple threads, and they have been mixed in with other topics.

Given the number of mistakes the Trump administration has made, I think its valuable to gather everything into one definitive list, so that we can truly marvel at the scale of his incompetence.

Anyone have any that I've missed?


Mistakes made before Covid-19 appeared in China:

- Disbanded the National Security Council team that would be responsible for dealing with Pandemics

- High turnover rate in administration means that people who learned from Obama-era officials about dealing with pandemics are no longer available

- Cuts to staff embedded in China who could have warned the administration about Covid-19

- Attempts to further cut the CDC budget (admittedly many of these attempts were rebuffed by congress)

- Ignored a report from people in his very own administration about the potential impact of a pandemic

- Failure to replenish emergency stocks of masks in the federal stockpile. (Some Trump supporters claim Obama was to blame, and while it is true that supplies were low after the Obama administration, Trump has been president for 3 years... he had more than enough time to correct the situaiton. Especially since he had a friendly congress to work with for the first 2 years.)

Problems related to his actual Pandemic response:

- Initial requests for emergency funding to address Covid-19 were only $2.5 billion....congress increased the value to over $8 billion

- Initial travel restrictions were ineffectual. (Restrictions on flights from China were understandable. However, American citizens were allowed to roam with fewer restrictions. Then there was the plan to cut travel to continental Europe, but not England), despite the fact that England also had problems with Covid-19 at the time too

- Inadequate testing. Granted, part of the problem is that the CDC's initial tests had some problems (which may not have been Trump's fault), but there was the WHO test that they could have used as a stop-gap measure. And once the problems with the test were fixed, the government was slow to roll the tests out.

- Waited over a month from the time of the first confirmed case until acting to try to order more masks/ventilators

- Criticized General motors, despite the fact that GM seems to have taken the initiative on setting up an assembly line to build ventilators (and the problem seems to be the Trump administration's lack of action on working out a contract)

- Suggesting that the states build up their own equipment stockpiles of masks/ventilators rather than relying on the federal government , which means that individual states can end up in a bidding war, driving up prices.

- Distribution of resources seemed to be done on a political basis rather than on the basis of need

- Failure to enact a nationwide "stay at home" order. (At the very least he could criticize states who fail to enact such rules.) Most states have implemented such rules, but the ones that don't will allow the virus to spread unnecessarily

Trump's personal actions:

- Failure to engage in social distancing (such as shaking hands with multiple
CEOs), which sends a bad message: Do as I say not as i do

- Inconsistent/inaccurate information, such as:
- "The virus will be gone in the summer"
- "Anyone who wants to be tested can be"
- Said cargo from Europe is stopped, when it was only passenger travel
- pushing untested treatments (such as the treatment for malaria)
- Stating that he wanted churches open by easter
- Suggesting New york didn't need as many ventilators as they said

- Inappropriate boasting:
- Claims about high ratings with regard to his press conferences
- Claims that he "could have been a scientist"

- Inappropriate attacks:
- Attack on reporter, claiming they were asking "nasty" questions
- Attacks on various state leaders (such as Mich. Gov. Whitmer)
- Labeling it the "Chinese virus", which can contribute to racism

- His statement that he would have preferred cruise ship panagers to stay on
board, because allowing them onto American soil would increase the number of sick people on the country

- Attempts to blame Obama, despite the fact that Trump has been president for over 3 years, including claims that his "testing was bad" (despite the fact that Covid-19 didn't exist when Obama was around) and claims that he set up bad "rules" despite being unable to state what rules he was referring to

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