mercredi 20 janvier 2021

Hypocrisy of Americans leaders decrying political violence.

I love the hypocrisy of American leaders who decry the recent political violence in the US.
My history lessons included something about a bloody revolutionary war that violently overthrew the legitimate government of the 13 colonies in the Americas.
The people and leaders of the United States celebrate this violent revolution that started in 1775 every year. They also hold the leaders of that violent overthrow of their legitimate government as near saints.

IMHO - Violence is not the answer to political problems unless it is to overthrow and stop actual illegitimate violence on the populace by oppressive governments.
A change in political structure that is not violently oppressive to its populace should come about by peaceful means.
Yet the colonials in the Americas that would become the foundation of the United States thought that taxation alone was a reason for violence and that profits were reason enough to start killing representatives of their government.

I won't even bother to list the violent political overthrows or interference in other countries political systems that the leaders of the US have happily and proudly undertaken.

Sadly - it appears violence has and always will be the way the people and the leaders of the United States have chosen to solve problems from street level claims of turf to the world stage.

Note: Do not take this as some sort of support for Trump or the idiots who stormed the capital buildings. Trump is the worst president in history and his followers are slightly above cretinous buffoons. It is a commentary on hypocrisy - something that the United States and its peoples lead the world in.

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