jeudi 11 mars 2021

Weird Ad Getting Through Adblock?

So I'm trying to read Reddit at work, like ya do, and I'm getting the same ad on every thread I open. It's some bizzaro, porny anime ad for what is obviously a hentai webcomic. More power to everyone who enjoys such things, but I really can't have it flashing around on my screen when I'm at work. They're going to think I'm looking at porn and make fun of me.

The ad looks to be from a company called Lezhin. It depicts a busty woman screaming at a guy that ever since she touched his cheek, her "body feels weird." It includes some animation, so that's making it even more flashy and noticeable. Has anyone else seen this? Why is it getting through Adblock Plus (which is also enabled in Incognito)?

I really can't understand why this particular ad is showing on the subs I read, either. We're talking about r/movies, r/QanonCasualties, r/TheoryofReddit, and a few threads about the dangers of unregulated homeschooling. I'm not logged in, because I don't even have a Reddit account anymore.

Any ideas on how I can get rid of this stupid thing? It's kind of a slow afternoon here, and I need my scrolling fix. Thanks for reading!

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