dimanche 16 mai 2021

Is “ Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me” correct?

In another thread there is a discussion following the murder* of a customer at a restaurant who it is claimed was using racists insults at the employee. The employee apparently punched the customer who fell down and hit their head and died from that injury. (*using murder colloquially as any form of unlawful killing.)

Several people have used the argument that is summed up in “Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me” and hold that the physical action of speech should be treated differently to other physical actions such as a punch, and they carry it on to a conclusion that you can only use a physical action such as punch in retaliation for being punched/hit and so on. That at no time can someone retaliate with a punch to someone’s speech.

For those that believe there is truth in “Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me”:

Why do you think - as one example - some children try to kill themselves and some do manage to kill themselves after being subjected to “names will never hurt me” aka bullying?

Why should an action like speech be treated as a special kind of action?

Are there any circumstances where speech can be “retorted” (morally if not legally) with a punch?

Not interested in making this personal - so the “Oh you are fine if a Nazi is hit but not if you are hit for being a commie!” and other non-productive discussions about each other so please lets keep this to being an interesting discussion!

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