jeudi 19 août 2021

What's taking up space on my google drive?

Actually, it's my wife's.

She got a message that she couldn't send or receive gmail because she was out of space. I was like, that seems weird, you should have 15 GB, and she says, but I have like 14000 old emails. Yeah, that shouldn't come close.

So I went in and looked at her google drive, and sure enough, it was over the limit. She had some pictures there, and a couple of videos, but nothing extensive. I removed all the big stuff, and we deleted a bunch of old emails, so now there are fewer than 5000 left. That cleared up about 2.5GB, and so she is back able to send and receive emails, but she is still using 12.5GB of space on her account.

Where the heck is it? This is like Dark Matter, files that don't leave a trace and can't be seen, but are taking up gigabytes of space. 12 gigs is a lot of storage.

Where can I look on her account to find out what's using it up? Shared files are not stored on your account, so it's not that, and there is just nothing there. I looked at attachments in email, and, yeah, there are some pictures there and stuff, but nothing to explain 12 gigs of data.

What else could it be? Could it be synching with her ipad maybe and therefore archiving ipad files? You can't see them on the drive on a browser, but they are there?

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