mercredi 16 février 2022

Another police warrant goes awry

In, of course, Pensacola, FL the police have ****** up just about everything they can with regards to a warrant and investigation. Here's a link to the article but there's so much ******* stupidity in it that it's hard to tell where to start. Well, first they got a warrant to go into the house of a man that wasn't suspected in the crime they were investigating, with a SWAT team at 5 a.m. This causes the father to shoot and hit one of the SWAT cops, and he's now charged with attempted murder:


Channel 3 has reported extensively how 24-year-old Corey Marioneaux Jr. has been charged for shooting at one of the SWAT officers after they rammed his door


Marioneaux Jr. doesn't have a criminal record. Pensacola Police says he is not a suspect in the January shooting investigation that led police to his home last Thursday morning.

Dixon says she has no idea why police would want information in his home.
So basically the family has no idea what the **** these dip **** cops were doing there in the first place, and it doesn't sound like the cops do either.

It gets worse. After the father is arrested the police take the children and the mother gets the youngest (1 year old boy) back a few hours later and a photo shows:


"...I get my baby and I see his face -- and it's almost unrecognizable compared to how he looked when I left him last."

...the 1-year-old's nose and lip swollen, a scrape on his lip, scratches on his nose and several bumps on his forehead.
She eventually gets this explanation:


The department claims both kids were in the backseat of a car with an investigator. The investigator got out of the car.

Upon returning, Pensacola Police says the investigator didn't notice the child leaning on the door. When the investigator opened it, police say the child fell out of the car.
They didn't even secure the ******* child in their car. The cops. The cops didn't secure a ******* child in a ******* car in their ******* care.

There are a few other stupid things that happened, and I'll be interested to see what the police release to rationalize the events.

I can't imagine being the mother. I know it won't happen the way I want it, but people better get fired.

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