mardi 29 mars 2022

Coming to your radio soon: Excess Votes for Biden in 2020

Will this study have legs? Will stupid people everywhere be spouting it soon?

Brief summary: Economist and noted gun expert John Lott Jr.* has performed a statistical analysis of votes in the 2020 election and has discovered that in key battleground states, like Georgia and Michigan there were 255,000 excess votes for Biden, and possibly as many as 368,000.

How did he find them?

Well, lots of ways, but especially:

"In the study, Lott reviewed voter registration rolls, actual in-person vote counts, absentee voting and provisional ballots in counties where fraud has been alleged or suggested. He compared those counts to neighboring counties, arguing that the percentages should be similar."

WTF? No. Just no. No they should not be similar. The voting patters, absentee and provisional ballots in Wayne County (which consists mostly of Detroit), and Oakland County, the suburban county to the north of Detroit, should not be similar.

I'm guessing that every other point made is just as stupid, but I haven't read the study, which I guess is posted on a web site for a peer reviewed journal called "Public Choice". I know nothing about it, but I'll look it up if I can.

I decided to start this thread just to see if we can track sightings of this data in other media sources, and if we can critique it and discuss the methods used to come up with the "excess vote" total. This article showed up in an MSN news feed, from the Washington Examiner (not exactly an unbiased source,) It might provide a great example of lying with bad data, or bad analysis of good data.

Or, who knows? Maybe he really has something here. I shouldn't judge before I read it, right? I mean, he might have found the smoking gun that proves election fraud on a massive scale. He is, after all, a noted gun expert, so if anyone can find a smoking gun, he ought to be able to do it.

*That's actually how he is described in the article. Economist and noted gun expert.

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