mercredi 6 avril 2022

[Split Thread] The boundaries of Knowledge

Mod Info split from More Pet Peeves in TV and Movies! (part 2)
Posted By:jimbob


Originally Posted by Beelzebuddy (Post 13775153)
Outside of philosophy, "you can't prove me wrong (to my satisfaction)" is the realm of nutters waving signs. Need some examples? We've got whole boards for that here.

Again, that is absolutely not what I am saying. I am saying nobody can prove their answer --whichever it is-- for this question. It is unanswerable. I am not asking anyone to prove a negative, or disprove a negative, or any combination of that. I am simply stating that nobody can prove an answer. What you choose to do with that situation is up to you. But if you claim it's not only answered but proven then you should certainly expect to be challenged on that claim.


I know what you're getting at, this isn't my first time having this argument either. Good, internally consistent positions can be made for both "yes" and "no" in regard to the discontinuation of identity, depending entirely on how you define "identity." You don't even need to stick a soul in there, just "do you die in every transport?"
Yes, that's the discussion we're having. If it bores you you don't have to participate.


Star Trek's answer is "no," and they get around the hypothetical contradictions that raises by trying very hard not to think about it. Both clones Riker were Riker and continue to be Riker, albeit two different Rikers now. If you killed one of the Rikers you'd be killing Riker, but the other Riker would still be Riker. Rike it or not.
Which is an answer that works for the show, but not for the underlying debate about personhood. Star Trek, like much of science fiction, raises philosophical questions that are not easily settled by deciding whichever way is most convenient for the plot.

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