mardi 30 août 2022

Not on the Court House Steps?

Ok, here's a scenario. . .

Trump gets indicted for one of the many things he's being investigated for. . .January 6. . .Georgia election interference. . .the stolen secret files. . .whatever. . .

The case comes to trial and all the way there Trump cries foul on social media.

As the process starts the liberal media endlessly calls for Trump's conviction and jailing while the right media yells that it's all a sham.

Everyday's proceedings are endlessly hashed over by the media. It looks like the case is being tried, not in court, but on TV and on social media.

Jury members get doxed.

Somebody throws a brick at Trump's car.

Security for the prosecutor and his family gets breached a a bullet misses one of the family members by inches.

So how is this sesnario avoided? Better dealt with?

A gag order on the media? Ubber security?

Your thoughts. . .

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