mardi 17 janvier 2023

MLK Hug Statue Controversy

With all the statues getting torn down one was unveiled today for Martin Luther King and his wife, Coretta Scott King, that might be on the chopping block:


By now, I’m sure you’ve seen it. The new Boston sculpture “honoring” Dr. Martin Luther King and his wife, Coretta Scott King, looks more like a pair of hands hugging a beefy penis than a special moment shared by the iconic couple. Created by the organization Embrace Boston, the sculpture has inspired mad jokes on Twitter, and rightly so. But for my family, it’s rather insulting. You see, Coretta was my first cousin, my grandfather’s niece, and the daughter of my great uncle Obediah Scott.
If you haven't seen it, the pictures are online. It's, um, an usual sculpture, to say the least. It's two pairs of arms entwined around each other, supposedly representing a photograph of Dr King and his wife at the moment he learned he had been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

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