jeudi 11 mai 2023

A few Qs i have about of The Big-Bang Theory formulated by Georges Lemaître.

Hello all, this is my very first post here in this forum (after of my post of presentation).

I have a few Qs about of The Big-Bang Theory formulated by Georges Lemaître that have been sprouted since a some years ago. This Qs are placed here in a ramdom way (but not in an order).

I am asking here this Qs because one of the main bases of the scientific thinking (and also of the skeptic thinking) is questioning all the things for to obtain the answers that the person is looking for.

1.- If the whole floating objects (moons, planets, suns or stars, galaxies, small asteroids, comets, etc.) were at the first time an integral part of a kind of a very diminutive size object, how can be possible that (after of "the mega-explosion" of this very diminutive size object) all their expulsed thrown parts of it have been shifted to so gigantic floating objects in the outer space before of to be so "microscopical"? Have you a theory about of this particular phenomenom?

2.- This very diminutive size object that exploded out really was composed in their whole of all the chemical elements that do exist in our universe and in such inmense quantities? Have you a theory about of this particular phenomenom?

3.- If the force of the explotion of this very diminutive size object was so strong, how is possible that this particular force (force which still until today as strongest as it was since the moment of this explosion), so, how can be possible that this so powerful force is the weak enough for to thrown away (just in the same direction or way than takes the planets, suns or stars, galaxies, etc.) all the most smallest floating objects of our universe as are the moons, small planets, asteroids, comets, etc)? What i am refering in this Q is about why and how is possible that in the paticular circunstances of this mega-explotion do exist the orbits of the floating objects that firstly must be thrown away by this force without any minimal chance of to return repeatedly just in the same contrary direction of the direction that takes this mega-explotion almost without to be really affected by this force? Have you a theory about of this particular phenomenom?

4.- Why all the bigger floating objects of this universe have particularly a spherical shape while the smallest floating objects (as are the comets, asteroids, meteorits, a some moons, etc.) have particularly very asymmetrical shapes? All the millions of years passed since the mega-explotion do not was the enough time for to shape them too in a some spherical-like shape? Have you a theory about of this particular phenomenom?

5.- How can be possible the formation of solar systems, constellations and galaxies if the monumental force of this mega-explotion is supposed that is so strongest that "in theory" none of the floating objects could have "the time" for to end "hooked" to a "vulgar" and "ordinary" orbit? Really the gravity force of the solar systems, constellations and galaxies is much more strongest than the mega-explotion which "do form" this universe avoiding so the chaotic destiny of floating objects that do not have none orbit at all? Have you a theory about of this particular phenomenom?

6.- Why our modern telescopes still without to find floating spherical objects (like moons & planets) that are floating just alone in the outher space and without to have at all an orbit around of another floating body? Really all and each of the moons & planets that do exist in our universe actually are not alone and actually have an orbit for to follow or are outhere moons & planets without any orbit at all --because The Big-Bang Theory points to this chaotic view--. Have you a theory about of this particular phenomenom?

Well, i can have a few more Qs about of The Big-Bang Theory, but i can not remember them now.
Many thanks in advance for your commentaries!

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