mardi 20 juin 2023

[Split Thread] Recreational drug use and demographics


Originally Posted by Norman Alexander (Post 14099350)
Also this tidbit:That is contempt, right there.

Trump has complete, total, and utter contempt for everyone who is not him.


Originally Posted by Tero (Post 14099358)
I was on a jury pool where drugs were involved. The prosecutor and defense attorney took turns. They did not ask us if we used drugs. They asked us if we had known someone who took drugs.

The entire jury (not me in it) was people over 60.

I'm not quite understanding your point. Do you think people over 60 don't know anyone who used drugs? Because I'm in my mid-seventies; and don't recall anyone from my twenties who didn't. Including me.
And of course, alcohol, though legal, is still a drug. My drug of choice now that I'm old.

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