mercredi 23 août 2023

TIL: alternative cell biology

TIL that ribosome denialism is a thing.

I smugly think that I know a lot about quackery & pseudoscience* and then I run into something like this and realize that stupidity and self-deception is without end and that no one mind can come near to encompassing it all.

From :


What if I told you that, since The Contagion Myth was first published in 2020, further research has led me to believe that at least 30 statements I made in the book are, in fact, inaccurate? At that time, I was still holding onto some of the most basic theories taught in medical school, such as cellular structure and the existence of ribosomes, which use RNA to make proteins. I did not apply my cardinal rule: Question Everything!

Through my research, I have come to understand a New Biology that applies to all living things.For example, I have discovered that the electron microscope images of ribosomes are actually gas bubbles, stained with dye, from dead or dying tissue. Human health, and that of all living things, is dictated by the quality of our water and our ability to receive and properly utilize this water. Intent (understanding the role of consciousness) is also important to healing.

* It's all too easy to get to the point of beginning to feel this way since so much of it is either endlessly recycled nonsense or very similar variations of endlessly recycled nonsense making it seem like there's "nothing new under the sun".

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