mercredi 30 décembre 2015

Does Obamacare intentionally create denial of service at the end of the year?

Hi, I just got a letter telling me that my wife would be dis enrolled from the state health care program by the 31st of December. This letter was sent the 24th of december and we got it on the 28th. I tried calling the 29th and 30th of december but the lines are down. I went into the local Mnsure office but was turned away saying that I need to go wait at the office at Saint Paul and to not worry about it because it was a mass mailing that was sent to a whole bunch of people.

This leads me to the conspiracy theory part of this. What does MNSure need to send a letter that guarantees that 100% of the people getting will call between the dates of the 28th to 31st of December-the last days of open enrollment. Yeap they creating a denyial of service attack to their own program for whatever mysterious reasons.

The lady at MNSure told me to call after the 1st of January which leads me to the second part of the conspiracy. Apparently if you are dis enrolled you have to pay a special premium even if you are re enrolled.

Thats just a guess. I have no idea why MNSURE wants the phone lines to be essentially down until after open enrollment. Does anybody that knows what I am talking about have any ideas?

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