dimanche 20 décembre 2015

The NIST WTC 7 report lie that girder A2001 had no shear studs is finally exposed

For those who may not have heard, there has been a recent revelation that the girder between columns 79 and 44, which the NIST claimed did not have shear studs on it in WTC 7, and was thus able to be pushed off its seat by expanding beams, did in fact have shear studs on it.

An analysis report by ARUP for the Con Edison vs. Silverstein Properties lawsuit has been amended to show they learned there were shear studs called for on the drawings for every girder in the building between columns 79 and 44.

See footnote 2 on pdf page 36 of the report found here http://ift.tt/1S2AFRN

and in case you don't remember the NIST denying there were shear studs on the girder between columns 79 and 44 at floor 13 see their FAQ answer #34 given on 6/27/2012 about it here http://ift.tt/1S2AEgA

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