mardi 29 décembre 2015

Guess who is Muslim of the year

In the back of a Chuck E Cheese the great minds behind WorldNetDaily shared a conference table with a birthday party for a ten year old named Jimmy and discussed at length who they would declare as "Muslim Of The Year". This was not a decision to be made lightly. They knew that all over America that one really annoying guy in your facebook feed would be counting on this for a headline grabbing status share.


As we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and rejoice in the greatness of His and the Father’s universe, we turn to the New Year. A traditional ritual is reflecting on the past year, and as Time Magazine does, anointing the most prominent person of 2015. Indeed, 2015 has been for all practical purposes the “Year of the Muslim.” So I will satirically recognize the most influential “Muslim of the Year,” someone who has cleverly through various means, radically changed the world order and most furthered the Islamic caliphate based on the death of all infidels to Allah.
Naturally they went with the obvious decision to name Barack Obama as "Muslim Of The Year" then stole a slice of Jimmy's pizza. Who could argue against this?


No other Muslim has done as much, particularly given his power as president of the United States, to further Allah’s goal of a Christian and Jew-free world.
I knew all those executive orders demanding Jews and Christians report for "resettlement" were fishy. In fact when you look down the list of Obama policy objectives it is clear they were all ever intended to lead to a world of Muslim domination. Obamacare? More like Islamacare! ARRA? Definitely code for something Arabic and unholy. High speed trains? Sure, straight into the FEMA extermination camps!


The Holy Quran, as Obama likes to call it, teaches that this false god’s will must be obeyed and that all infidels must perish from the earth.
And we know that all people of a faith must always obey the entirety of their holy books without deviation.


As the inscription reads on a ring the “Muslim of the Year” has worn since college, “There is no god but Allah,” his actions and non-actions have paid homage to his real and only “deity.”
You didn't know that Obama wears an Islamic ring of power? Don't worry. Seems no one but WND knows of this.


Indeed, Obama can issue all the Christmas messages he falsely utters to the American people and the world – pretending to be a Christian for political expediency, subterfuge and dastardly cover – but after seven years of his presidency, “We the People” are no longer fooled. You do not have to be Donald Trump to see reality at this point…
Of course Trump was right....wait....has Trump accused Obama of being a secret Muslim?

So, there you have it. Obama, Muslim of the year.

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