mardi 29 décembre 2015

Racial/Ethnic Affinity Housing for colleges

I just read about a recent phenomenon on America's college campuses. Its called "Affinity Housing".

When I was in college, you could select a dormitory floor that was quiter, floors that had more athletes, etc.

No, it seems this has expanded greatly.

I see that Merrimack College let's students select dorm floors that focus on "Faith and Spirituality". And now students at Yale want a floor devoted to black culture.

What does this smell like? It smells like racial/ethnic/religious segregation & balkanization.

How the **** can we allow students elect to live on a floor with only Jews, or only blacks, or only Christians?

We always hear about how we need Affirmative Action due to the inherent benefit to cultural and racial diversity on campus. But no we're going to let students choose to have NO cultural or racial diversity on their dormitory floor?

This nation has gone crazy.


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