mercredi 3 février 2016

Chinese Medicine -- Self-Slapping

So my girlfriend's mom is in from China, and asked about my knee (I had reconstructive surgery in late August -- torn ACL). I can now walk up and down stairs without problems.

She advised that I slap it, and demonstrated on herself. This lady is healthy as hell, but crazy as ****! I'm sure my eyebrows disappeared into my hairline as I gave a superficially respectful but arrogant, "Oh, I've heard about this. Yeah, it's totally supposed to work." Her English sucks but she picked up on my "that's stupid" vibe and said something in Mandarin, which my girlfriend relayed as, "You know she's a doctor in China..." Yeah, a goddamn witch-doctor.

Then she said we need to hit ourselves all over, and she apparently does this every day. I'm not going to slap my knee, but I didn't see anything wrong with patting my shoulders and forearms (like a hearty hug). After all, maybe it helps with the circulation. But I wasn't doing it with enough power, and then she demonstrated on me. Bitch hits harder than Batman! So now I'm Googling for websites like I' that confirm my view that this Ra's Al Ghul **** is actually really, really bad.

I figured I'd ask people here as well. It is bad, right? Obviously? They never taught this in rehab.

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