dimanche 22 mai 2016

in-progress, appropriately named truther site

A new, unfinished site by David Slesinger (and whoever is bankrolling him) called....drum roll...
physicsdenial dot com

(Sigh...still no URL privileges)

With such highlights as:


Could it really be true your teachers and professors will deny Newton’s third law? Don’t make it too hard on them. As long as they are talking to you in private, their bosses or funders won’t have to be alarmed.

If the floors above where the planes hit on 9/11 actually were descending through the floors underneath where the planes hit, they could have crushed some floors. THEY COULD NOT HAVE CRUSHED DOZENS OF FLOORS ALL THE WAY TO THE GROUND.

That’s Newton’s third law. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. So if the floors descending did crushing, they themselves were PROPORTIONALLY crushed. Therefore, no mass would have continued to descend and do crushing all the way to the bottom.
And, yes indeed, featuring his favorite Jonathan Cole video with concrete blocks.

Sigh. Hopefully it'll make as little as all of his others.

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