Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds... but garter snakes mean no mail for you!
"Snake infestation"? They're garter snakes and they've been here for millions of years. I don't even know if it's even legal to kill them, they're not considered varmints or invasive and they're outside and harmless.
How on earth does the Post Office not only tolerate this nonsense from their letter carrier but even excuse it and tell the home owners they have to "fix the snake infestation"?
The letter carrier needs to be reassigned and the Post Office needs to get people their mail.
Mary Harris, 62, drew up a sign Monday and placed it in her front yard that says "Snake-free zone. Could we pleeze have our mail?" Since the end of March, Harris said her mail delivery has been spotty and she has gone almost 10 days without getting a single letter because her mail carrier is afraid of the garter snakes that have made a home on her block. ...Harris said she isn't the only person on the block not receiving mail. About 10 other neighbors wrote in response to a neighborhood email that their mail also wasn't being delivered. Harris said that when she stopped the carrier and a supervisor earlier this week to ask why, the mail carrier said she is deathly afraid of snakes and refuses to deliver her mail until they're gone. Harris said the supervisor told Harris that her yard, and any other yard with snakes, is a safety issue and that she and the other property owners are responsible for fixing the snake infestation. |
How on earth does the Post Office not only tolerate this nonsense from their letter carrier but even excuse it and tell the home owners they have to "fix the snake infestation"?
The letter carrier needs to be reassigned and the Post Office needs to get people their mail.
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