samedi 21 mai 2016

Illegals Driving In California - Is It Working? Nobody knows!!



“It is hard to pinpoint whether the bill has had an impact or not,” said Jeffrey Spring, spokesman for the American Automobile Association’s California chapter. “We have no way of knowing.”

The law, and a three-year, $141 million program designed to implement it, did not provide for a way to measure if illegal immigrants are any more inclined to buy insurance.

“There are no statistics regarding how many new license holders under AB 60, purchased vehicle insurance,” said California Department of Motor Vehicles spokesman Artemio Armenta.
California at it's finest - throwing money and regulations in the air and seeing where they stick, except we don't even know what they stick to when they do!!! We seem to be using a similar approach with gun and bullet casing laws here too. Do NOT do what California does.

Can I just walk into Canada and get stuff? Let's see:

I just filled out an online VISA request form for Canada - just for fun, I'm not moving there. They won't let me in. The attorney office says, "let us know if you can get a job offer in Canada, then come back and see us"

I have cash, no kids, able bodied, speak English (not French), educated, but I can't get in. I guess Canada has its priorities straight. Maybe if I sneak in they'll let me drive though and not deport me.

We need to control immigration in this country. It is in the best interest of big business and our politicians to take advantage of illegals for monetary and political gain, but it is not good for the rest of us.

Do people here actually think that compassion is the reason our government is not doing anything about illegals and the border? It may be your reason, but it isn't theirs.

Meanwhile, the populations of the countries of origin continue to grow with no end in sight. There is no end game, no future goal. Only politics, greed, and "right now".

In the link above, a woman in her car was hit from behind by a truck being driven by an illegal with no insurance. They let him go. She's stuck with repair costs to her car and, thankfully, was not injured.

An illegal, never to be seen again. Why would our own country want this for us? Seriously, what did they think this would lead to? Votes for them and cash for their constituents?

Who is really behind the idea that we should let illegals drive? Could it be the businesses who profit from these people and need them to be able to get to work? And then they fool us into believing it's about compassion and it's better for "us". Give me a break.

People like you and me, we feel compassion. Governments feel votes and money. They are using our compassion to sell their own scheme to us. Hello!

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