samedi 21 mai 2016

Where's the $1 million you promised for veterans Donald?

This has already been brought up in the general Trump thread, but I think it's kind of a big deal, and his campaign is refusing to answer questions about it.

Donald Trump went on TV back in January when he was "boycotting" Fox News' Republican debate and held a fundraiser for veterans. During the fundraiser he promised to personally donate $1 million to a charity for veterans, but no veterans' charity claims to have received any of that money and his campaign won't even say who he gave the money to.

Here is the story in the Washington Post


In recent weeks, Trump and his campaign repeatedly declined to give new details about how much they have given away.

“Why should I give you records?” Trump said in an interview with The Post this month. “I don’t have to give you records.”
Not only won't he give records, he won't even say who he gave the money to. That's really strange.

In the past few days, The Post has interviewed 22 veterans charities that received donations as a result of Trump’s fundraiser. None of them have reported receiving personal donations from Trump.

Did Trump make good on his promise to give from his personal funds?

“The money is fully spent. Mr. Trump’s money is fully spent,” Lewandowski said.

Who did Trump give to, and in what amounts?

“He’s not going to share that information,” Lewandowski said.
So that's it. He claimed he was going to give $1 million. His campaign says he already gave it, but they aren't going to share the information, and no veterans charities can be found that received any money from Trump. When you go on TV and grandstand like that, I think it's fair to ask.

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